How To Be Unstoppable in Business and in Life - Paul Mort - Fitness Business Authority
FBA Podcast - Paul Mort -06

How To Be Unstoppable in Business and in Life – Paul Mort

In 2000, Paul Mort trained to be a Physical Therapist. From 2001 up until 2008, he worked in a massive number of gyms and took courses. Two years later, he started his own bootcamp and exploded it to 4 countries with 19 different locations. In the same year, he also mentored different trainers and won his second Young Business Person of the Year award. He has spoken at numerous fitness conventions.

Paul was one of Liam’s original mentors. He’s currently taking ambitious men who are lost and struggling and helping them through series of online programs and coaching.

On today’s episode of The Fitness Business Authority Podcast, Paul will share his strategies on being unstoppable as he balances business and lifestyle. He will educate us how to deal with stress, failures, and time management.

“The problem is with people, they don’t put themselves on the line. They are scared of not getting across the line.” – Paul Mort

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • A brief update on Paul’s life and successes
  • Paul’s definition of what it means to be “Unstoppable”
  • Three of his best strategies for dealing with stress
  • How to leverage stressful situations to stretch your ability to  achieve more in your life and your business
  • How to deal with setting goals that you don’t reach
  • The difference between “Ideal results” and “Actual results”
  • The importance of determining what works and what didn’t work
  • The “Combat Situation” and Mental Resilience
  • The process of removing emotions and focusing on the facts
  • Paul’s strategies on how to be unstoppable in business & in life
  • The challenges fitness business owners face  when it comes to balancing business and lifestyle
  • Paul’s time management technique
  • How “Structure creates freedom.”
  • How to make yourself accountable to your own deadlines
  • “You gotta be yourself and talk in your own language.”
  • The authenticity in the fitness industry
  • How to get connected with Paul and find out more about him and how he can help you
  • Paul Mort’s Book recommendations (below)(

References & links mentioned:

Contact Paul:

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About the Author Liam Thompson

Liam Thompson is an online marketing consultant for businesses helping them attract more clients though their websites and online media. He has been a coach in the fitness industry for the last 5 years because of his deep passion for helping people achieve their goals in life. In fact he helped hundreds of people lose weight and get healthy and change their lives and to date we have helped over 50 personal trainers build their fitness businesses online. Liam has been a speaker at the biggest Fitness Marketing seminar in the UK, worked on joint ventures with top internet marketing experts and helped some of the Biggest Names in the Fitness Industry with the online part of their businesses. Originally from Ballymena in Northern Ireland Liam now lives in Wilmslow, Cheshire with his wife and son and spends his spare time keeping fit and playing football. Liam is also an avid supporter of Everton Football Club.

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