How To Launch a Health and Fitness Brand With Zero Ad Spend - Ryan Lee - Fitness Business Authority
FBA Podcast - Ryan Lee -10

How To Launch a Health and Fitness Brand With Zero Ad Spend – Ryan Lee

Ryan Lee became well-known internationally in the fitness industry through a website he owned for years —, The site is now owned by Michael Boyle. Before he discovered his success in the digital market, he was doing fine locally training clients and working with Yale’s college football team. He was doing well and then he discovered how the internet can AMPLIFY things for his business.

He started doing online training and selling online equipment. Since he rocked things online, a lot of trainers approached him for help and that drove him to teach the basics and pros of online business in the fitness industry. Now, all of his clients have become the legends and fitness pros. Ryan is still rockin’ his entrepreneurial journey with Rewind Superbars.

On today’s episode, Ryan relives his passion about health and fitness by introducing Rewind Superbars. He talks us through his entrepreneurial journey with his energizing outlook in connecting with customers by building trust and relationship. Ryan also gives some tips and advice on how to be successful in your business.

“Sometimes the best business is just about solving a problem that you have or you’re really, really close to. ” – Ryan Lee

Some topics that were discussed include:

  • Ryan Lee’s entrepreneurial success in online business
  • His heyday with the website
  • Ryan’s inspiring journey back to being healthy after losing his willpower
  • His opinion on superbars and motivation to create one
  • The possibility of selling your brand with no paid ads
  • Passion and belief in what you do as keys to being an effective entrepreneur
  • Brief introduction of Rewind Superbars
  • 3 B’s of Ryan’s business outlook
  • Tips on being successful in your online business
  • How to effectively use surveys as tool in knowing the pain points and challenges of your customers
  • Manipulation vs. Inspiration which is better
  • The mistakes most entrepreneurs make with their online business
  • Ryan’s book recommendation for struggling small-business owners
  • How to get connected with Ryan Lee

References & links mentioned:

Contact Ryan:

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About the Author Liam Thompson

Liam Thompson is an online marketing consultant for businesses helping them attract more clients though their websites and online media. He has been a coach in the fitness industry for the last 5 years because of his deep passion for helping people achieve their goals in life. In fact he helped hundreds of people lose weight and get healthy and change their lives and to date we have helped over 50 personal trainers build their fitness businesses online. Liam has been a speaker at the biggest Fitness Marketing seminar in the UK, worked on joint ventures with top internet marketing experts and helped some of the Biggest Names in the Fitness Industry with the online part of their businesses. Originally from Ballymena in Northern Ireland Liam now lives in Wilmslow, Cheshire with his wife and son and spends his spare time keeping fit and playing football. Liam is also an avid supporter of Everton Football Club.

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